Sunday 21 April 2013


Parlimen P.177 Beaufort di gemparkan dengan kehadiran Ketua Wanita UMNO Malaysia, Dato' Seri Shahrizat Jalil. Menyedari hakikat Beaufort adalah kerusi panas maka Shahrizat atau di gelar Shahrizat Lembu terpaksa turun padang membantu kudanya Dato' Azizah Mohd Dun yang kini bertanding di Beaufort.

Apa Beaufort dapat dengan Shahrizat? Bukti Azizah dengan Shahrizat  memang pemimpin tidak boleh pakai. Tumbangkan Azizah maka tumbanglah BN.

Dengan isu NFC yang berkaitan dengan keluarganya, pengundi Beaufort nampaknya ingin bertemu secara real pemilik projek keluarga bekas Menteri bernilai RM250 juta ini.

Kesian orang Beaufort. Dapat apa?

Shahrizat yang tidak dicalonkan di Parlimen Lembah Pantai memberi ruang kepada Dato' Seri Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin nampaknya tidak perlu lagi membantu Raja Nong Chik berkempen di Parlimen Lembah Pantai sehingga terpaksa berkempen di tempat lain.  

Beaufort! Ingat Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin. Undi Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin


mantera said...

apa salahnya dia datang Beaufort

drako drakonius said...

The Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) government is “serious” and is doing its “best” to solve the issues faced by the people, including the major issue of illegal immigrants, says the coalition’s state secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

drako drakonius said...

A Merdeka Center survey showed that only 54 per cent of voters polled last September felt the state was heading in the right direction compared to 66 per cent in November 2009.

drako drakonius said...

But Abdul Rahman said the survey results will not have a bearing in the next general election.

drako drakonius said...

People have concerns, but I think when they go to vote, it’s not just about the economy alone, it’s also about leadership, it’s also about whether or not the incoming government from the opposition will be better to manage the economy or not.

drako drakonius said...

The Merdeka Center survey showed that the top five reasons for the drop include the issue of illegal immigrants, dissatisfaction with political leadership, the high cost of living, and “the perception” that Sabah was still “lagging” behind in economic development and infrastructure.

drako drakonius said...

Abdul Rahman said that the present government are trying to solve the issues.

drako drakonius said...

The difference between the present government and the opposition is that the government understand the issues and acknowledge the issues.

drako drakonius said...

The present government knows what the problems are, people are worried about economic issues, that’s why The National Budget is tailor-made to address those issues.

drako drakonius said...

Even if it’s about the PTI (illegal immigrants), the RCI is there, but it will take time and the government is addressing it, that’s the most important.

drako drakonius said...

The illegal immigrants issue was rated by 53 per cent of the voters polled as the most important issue in Sabah.

drako drakonius said...

The Kota Belud MP also appeared to suggest the “gloomy” world economy had contributed to the decline shown in the Merdeka Center survey results.

drako drakonius said...

“Times are tough worldwide, worldwide the economy is bad, people are gloomy... somehow it affects us one way or the other...” he said, adding that Sabah was “not isolated”.

drako drakonius said...

But overall, in the whole world, people are a bit worried about the future about the economy so it’s not just about Sabah.

drako drakonius said...

Another top Sabah BN leader, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak, also commented on the Merdeka Center polls that was carried out this September.

drako drakonius said...

The government is indeed serious about tackling the illegal immigrant issue and all concerned should lend their support.

drako drakonius said...

As for the illegal immigrants, the royal commission of inquiry has started its mission and it should be left to the wisdom of its members to carry out their task, and those with grouses can go up and meet them.

drako drakonius said...

He said the people should “allow” the RCI members to carry out their job and “see what their recommendations are at the end of the day.

drako drakonius said...

Salleh also said: “It would not be fair to say that there has been a lack of development when a huge chunk of the state budget, supplemented by federal funding, goes into all sorts of development.

drako drakonius said...

Looking at it objectively, the survey gives the Sabah BN the opportunity to know what’s in the minds of the people and to take proactive action to address outstanding issues.

drako drakonius said...

If what has been reported is correct, then the Sabah BN must take stock of the situation and take steps to correct the misperception that development is lagging.

drako drakonius said...

He had also said that “development and infrastructure are localised and these are not often highlighted in the media”, having noted the state’s infrastructure was developed at a “rapid pace”.

drako drakonius said...

But it is true that some problems cannot be solved overnight; it is deep-rooted and when steps are taken to clear the matter, some people would be happy but there would also be others who would object.